Extended Wireless Enterprise

The Changing Role of IT: As the Information Economy takes shape, the skyrocketing value of Knowledge is becoming the driver for businesses of today. The creation, management and distribution of Knowledge is the defining battleground for Corporations in this new world. Near universal access to advances in technology, enabled by the Internet has leveled the playing field. It has simultaneously exposed large corporations to hordes of smaller competitors and allowed smaller corporations to charge ahead into areas previously prohibitively expensive to innovate in.
The stage is set for IT to play a strategic role, shaping business as much as enabling it.
Beyond Wired: According to various market forecasts, between 50 to 70 per cent of Internet users worldwide will be accessing the Net via mobile devices in the year 2003.
While the impact of such wireless device proliferation on commerce would be tremendous, the revolutionary changes in the Enterprise Information Infrastructure that are being catalyzed by the advent of Wireless “Always On” access have not received their fair share of attention.