Wireless Frameworks
Wireless Frameworks

iORMYX WIRELESS FRAMEWORK: Enabling Wireless Customer Content Delivery Companies that have got a good web site often tend to think that they have their content delivery challenges covered. This was true until the explosion of wirelesss devices changed everything. These companies are losing potential business opportunities, if they are not present on the wireless web too. This lost competitive edge can be regained, if there is was a way to render one’s web site on the screens of the innumerable wireless mobile devices available now. There are two ways to achieve this: First, through Manual content reengineering, and second through the use of transcoding applications. The former method is an expensive and time consuming process and the latter is very cost effective and can be implemented almost overnight. The iORMYX Wireless Framework is such a tool which will enable your company to Go Wireless overnight. |
The iORMYX Wireless Framework is a plug-in solution, based on the eba Site2Wireless product (EBA Systems), which will work with your existing web site. Requests from mobile devices are serviced by the on-the-fly conversion of the web contents, transcoded according to the requesting edge device’s content handling capability. Hence there is no need to manually reengineer the site. Thus, this non-intrusive transformation engine leaves the original web content intact so that it is available for browsing from the normal desktop web browsers.
- This Wireless Framework allows you to render your site’s contents to almost any wireless devices. The content can be rendered using different types of markup languages like HTML, CHTML, HDML, WML, etc. and hence mobile presence anywhere is assured.
- No expensive manual content reengineering is not needed and hence the time taken to wireless enable your site is very minimal.
- Client side scripting is supported by executing the same from the server side.
- Since this product has been done in Java, platform independence is achieved which goes a long way into deploying this solution anywhere.
- Since this is a non-intrusive approach, practically no client resource is needed to execute the project and full consulting support will be provided from iORMYX Global.
- This product can be integrated with eba Enterprise2Wireless Server (EBA Systems) which is the world’s first Siebel certified Wireless Application Integration product.
- Integration with Enterprise Information sources can be easily built using either the lightwieght connector technology based on the eba SDK or using the iORMYX XML Framework Process. The connectors can range from synchronous lightweight connectors to persistent, queued, asynchronous connectors depending on the specific needs of the customer.
ProxyModule: This module intercepts the requests from various wireless devices and can be considered as the entry point to the Wireless Framework. After identifying that the request is from a wireless devices, ProxyModule will invoke the other modules in the Wireless Framework namely, RMT (Rapid Mobile Transformation Engine) and ESCAPE (Engine for Script Control And Program Execution) to optimize the response to the wireless devices. After transformation the response to the wireless device is sent back by the ProxyModule.
Escape Engine (Engine for Script Control And Program Execution): This module is responsible for handling the client side scripts. Scripts are handled at the server side on behalf of the devices which do not have the capability to handle the scripts at all or for devices which do not handle certain kinds of scripts.
Caching Engine: This module acts as a repository to help the smooth and efficient functioning of RMT and ESCAPE Engines. The transformed contents optimized for a particular device are stored in the Caching Engine by RMT, so that these pages could be served dynamically as and when needed later. ESCAPE Engine also uses Caching Engine extensively in the process of its execution of client side scripts.
RMT (Rapid Mobile Transformation) Engine: RMT is a vital component of the Wireless Framework. This component will use XML based Device Profiles and Content Profiles to transcode content in accordance with the capabilities of the device. The rendering content may be HTML, WML, HDML etc. depending on the device. The transformations performed by this component are Image Conversion, Video Skimming, Content Selection, and Text to Speech Conversion.
CUSTOMIZATION STEPSThe transcoding technology built into the solution can format generic content very well. However, there may be site specific, repeating transactions that you may want to more define very precise formatting parameters. This is easily done using the Markup IDE. This visual tool uses the familiar browser paradigm to markup the target pages and store the formatting of those pages separately from the pages themselves as RDF files. These RDF files are then used dynamically to transcode pages on the fly.
Integration of existing Enterprise Information sources into this solution can be done very easily using the eba connector technology as well as the iORMYX XML Framework Process.